Soren Hartmann
By: Andy Carlson

Welcome to Website of Soren Weiss Hartmann.

Soren Weiss Hartmann was born and raised north of Copenhagen in Denmark. After graduating from the University, he have mainly been living abroad, SE Asian, Africa, S & N America and off cause also various places in Europe. However he is now living back in Denmark again and still north of Copenhagen.

Having been working in the oil industry since 1990, he established Offshore Engineering & Energy UK in 1992, providing engineering support for companies drilling for oil and gas. In 2001 another company, Hartmann IT, was formed, which main business areas was designing databases and custom made software applications. In 2005 the two companies was merged into one company together with a third company Hartmann Innovation and Drill Consult was formed. Drill Consult is now going through a rapid expansion due to the increasing demand from the oil industry.

He writes in magazines about travelling, expeditions, extreme sport and cars that he have tested, like Ferrari, Masserati, Hummer and even tanks, Basically anything that moves fast or have an engine.

The website TeamXtreme is a forum for extreme sports enthusiast but also used as a vehicle for raising money for people who are in need of support, like sick or disabled kids.

If not spending time with family or friends, Soren is most likely to be found some where outdoor, Mountaineering, Ice Climbing, Windsurfing, Kite surfing, Water skiing, White Water Kayaking, Scuba Diving, Riding or Racing cars which are some of the preferred leisure time activities.